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Steps to make online payment for your Trip to India
Please fill the along side form, it will consume 1 minute only
1. Kindly enter your full name
2. Valid working E-mail
3. Phone number with Country ISD Code
4. Click, if you are arriving to visit India only OR India+Nepal
5. Select Currency, in which you would like to pay us
6. Amount, as per discussion with Mr. Manu Gaur
7. Select, if you are sending advance or Full or remaining balance
8. Click Submit.
9. You will receive a confirmation that we have received all of your data Successfully.
We follow a Security procedure to make your online payment fast and safe, thus, you have to make the payment only from the Web Link, which you will receive from our email to your email, which you wrote in this form.
In Just next 24 hours maximum, you will get the Web Link from our side, click on that and you will be redirected to payment page.
Make the payment hassle free.
We will send you confirmation immediately once you done your payment.
Online Payment Facility